On set with Seth Rogan for Hilarity for Charity

On set today at The Hollywood Palladium for the incredible shoot/show Hilarity for Charity. We are so excited to be working with such amazing people and talents both today and tomorrow with all of our awesome actors and celebrity lookalikes. #Peoplewhogoaboveandbeyond #Bravo @Hilar4Charity Hilarity for Charity #SethRogan #TVShoot #Cssting #Comedy #Celebritylookalikes #lookalikes #nicheactors #specialtycasting #TributeProductions #AlzheimersAwareness #Actors #foragreatcause #education #Charity #TalentBooking #onset #humor
ABOUT; Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller Rogen founded Hilarity for Charity ® (HFC) as a resource for the millennial generation, to help bridge the gap in understanding the landscape of Alzheimer’s disease. Today, HFC is dedicated to raising awareness, inspiring change, and accelerating progress in Alzheimer’s care, research, and support through the engagement of millennials. Using this unique approach, HFC aims to significantly improve outcomes for all family members contending with Alzheimer’s disease by 2020.