Lookalikes Celebrity Men

Take a peek at our amazing Celebrity Lookalike MEN photos to see Hollywood Icons of the past to today's hottest red carpet hunks.
The photos are of Lookalike Actors-Male so please make sure to browse through all categories to see other amazing Male Iconic Lookalikes & Impersonators and Hollywood Doubles on the main Lookalike pages.

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Book celebrity lookalikes and celebrity impersonators for your next event

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as "James Bond" Book celebrity lookalikes and celebrity impersonators for your next event

as "James Bond" Book celebrity lookalikes and celebrity impersonators for your next event

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Arnold Schwarzenegger
Al Capone1
Al Capone 2
Alfred Hitchcock
Alan Alda
Austin Powers 1
Austin # 2
Austin # 3
Austin # 4 (Vegas)
Babe Ruth
Billy Crystal (SD)
Bing Crosby
Borat (Vegas)
Brad Pitt 1
Brad Pitt 2
Brad Pitt 2 (UK)
Brad & Angelina 1
Bradley Cooper (MY)
Brendan Fraser
Ben Stiller
Bruce Willis (*NY)
Bob Hope 1 (Arizona)
Bob Hope 2
Channing Tatum
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin 2
Charlie Sheen
Chris Farley
Clark Gable
Clint Eastwood
Colin Farrell (Europe)
Conan O'Brian
Conor McGregor (Vegas)
Dr. Evil
Dr Phil
Daniel Craig (007)
Dame Edna
David Beckham (UK)
David Letterman 2
Denzil Washington (NY)
Donald Trump
Donald Glover
Dwayne Johnson
Ed Sullivan
Frank Sinatra 2
Frank Sinatra 4
George Burns
George Clooney
Groucho 1
Groucho 2
Harrison Ford
Howard Hughes
Howard Stern
Hugh Heffner (Fl)
Humphrey Bogart
Humphrey Bogart 2
Jake Gyllenhaal (MIN)
James Dean
Jason Statham
Jay Leno
Jerry Lewis
Jim Carrey
Joe Pesci 1 (NY)
Joe Pesci 2
John Travolta
John Wayne
Johnny Carson
Johnny Depp 1
Johnny Depp 2
Johnny Depp 3(Europe)
Johnny Depp4
Justin Timberlake (NY)
Leonardo DiCaprio1
Leonardo DiCaprio2
LeBron James(Denver)
Laurel & Hardy 1
Laurel & Hardy 2
Coffey (The Green Mile)
Michael Moore
Michael J Fox
Mike Myers
Morgan Freeman
Phil Donahue
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Pierce Bronson 1
Pierce Bronson 2 (FL)
Pierce Brosnan 3
Psy 1
Psy 2
Randy Jackson
Regis Philbin
Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen
Richard Gere 1 (Ontario)
Richard Gere (Wisc)
Ricky Ricardo (FL)
Rick Grimes-Walking Dead
Robert De Niro 1 (NY)
Robert De Niro 2 (NY)
Robert De Niro 3 (Vegas)
Robert Downey Jr (NY)
Rodney Dangerfield (Vegas)
Robin Williams (Texas)
Robert Redford (SD)
Robin Williams 2
Sean Connery 1
Sean Connery 2 (UK)
Sean Connery 3
Sam Kinison
​Samuel L. Jackson 1
Samuel L. Jackson (Vegas)
Sammy Davis Jr.
Sylvester Stallone (Texas)
Sylvester Stallone 2
Simon Cowell
Steven Spielberg
Timothee Chalamet
Tom Cruise
Tom Hanks
The Honey Mooners
The 3 Stooges
The Marx Brothers
The Rock
Truman Capote
Wesley Snipes
W.C Fields 1
W.C. Fields 2